
Ministerial Alliance

Lead with Christ

I wish to bring your attention to an incredible opportunity we have before us. It's a chance to honor our King and Lord while fostering peace and life, drawing all individuals towards His Glorious kingdom. Although we may not always see eye-to-eye due to our varied dogmas and traditions, we are united in our belief in Jesus as our Savior. Together, our potential is far greater than what any one of us could achieve alone. Despite our differences, our shared beliefs are paramount – the birth of Jesus through the virgin Mary, His sinless life, crucifixion, resurrection, and promised return. With this in mind, I believe we can work together to glorify Our Lord and fulfill His Great Commission.

After much prayer and discussion, I am convinced that we should establish a ministry alliance based on common values and goals for His glory. Imagine the impact if we, His servants, focused on building His kingdom above all else. This alliance would allow us to join hands in peace and love, fulfilling His perfect will. By concentrating on our shared foundations, we can stand united, just as the early disciples did. Though they came from diverse backgrounds, they agreed on the essentials of Christ's teachings. In a world overshadowed by sin, where darkness prevails, we have a chance to unite and shine His light, proclaiming His truth and love. Together, we can address the challenges our world faces, especially for our vulnerable children. Let us rise united, sowing in the spirit for His victory, even in these tumultuous times.

— James McMurtry

Ministry Alliance Open Letter
Pastor Leader Invitation
Foundational Agreement